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Oil Sector of Pakistan continues to face major challenges owing to rising global energy prices, declining indegenious production and growing energy demand.  

More than 10% of import payments are made in lieu of crude oil and refined petroleum.

Crude Oil & Petroleum Products Stock Timeline

Key Import Payments

Payments made by Pakistan for importing different oil products in fiscal year 2021

Crude Oil 

3.19 Billion USD

Refined Petroleum

4.57 Billion USD

Transport sector is the biggest consumer of crude oil and petroleum products.

Furnace Oil consumption drops down as LNG-based power plants come online.

Oil Market Map

24 Oil Depots

The fuel supply chain spreads across the country through 24 approved oil depots. The oil depots comprise of pipeline exit points, storage areas, and mandatory physical reporting locations (PRLs). 

2 Transportation Pipelines

One pipeline is used for crude oil transportation and other is used for refined oil (HSD). Motor Spirit (MS) is transported across the country from depots using tankers. Crude oil pipeline runs 864 km long from Kemari terminal to PARCO's Mahmood Kot Oil depot. HSD pipeline runs from FOTCO terminal to Machike Oil depot and is 1070 km long. 

5 Major Oil Refineries

Refineries process local and imported crude oil to produce petroleum products. ENAR oil refinery is primarly used for catering defense purposes. 

Pakistan State Oil (PSO) continues to dominate the market, capturing over 40% share.

Despite PARCO's top spot, Byco Petroleum continues to gain market share.

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